

刚刚发现有一个很好用的工具在Eclipse:Project View --> properties --> Restore from Local History (可以将以前误删的文件找回)
以下是一个德国高手关于Phonon在WinXP的安装的介绍,是我至今看到最好的。阅读时请注意:这个是对于Qt对于Microsoft Visual Studio的,对于Qt和MinGW则无法进行操作,Qt的官方网站上已经有说道,我就是看介绍太不仔细,居然 没看到:Warning: The MinGW version of Qt does not support building the Qt backend. 所以,在这里我用的是MinGW + Qt openSource + Eclipse是无法building Qt backend 的.
以下我摘抄的要点,对于Microsoft Visual Studio的:
Compilation of Phonon under Windows XP

注意:Patch SDKs
Wired but true, the Windows SDK does not compile. It is somehow broken. You need to do the following:
Add the following line
#include "rpcsal.h"
to linenumber 32 in files
C:\Programme\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include\medparam.h
C:\Programme\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include\mediaobj.h .pro for qmake:
INCLUDEPATH = C:\DXSDK\Include \ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include
LIBPATH += C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Lib
产生: phonon.bat以及Configure"%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft DirectX SDK (April 2007)\utilities\bin\dx_setenv.cmd"
%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Bin\SetEnv.Cmd
The last one should only be necessary if you use the Express Version, but it is no problem if is called anyway
注意:请使用Qt Command Prompt 然后进入Qt的目录执行configure.exe : If your environment is setup correctly, executing configure.exe on your Qt installation should automatically activate Phonon.
